

Jennifer McGill, beckons to the nostalgia in all of us with her modern paintings that feature the things of yesteryear. Likewise, her journey as an artist started with a discovery that her biological father she never knew was a professional artist, sparking her desire to become a professional artist.

At seventeen, Jennifer received an art grant from Western Illinois University, and focused exclusively on art at The Art Institute of Chicago & The American Academy of Art, studying watercolor with the late Irving Shapiro, graduating with honors in 1990. During her final year, Jennifer received the Union League Civic Arts & Foundation Scholarship for Fine Art. Later on she discovered her father attended the Art Institute of Chicago 27 years earlier!

She has received numerous prestigious art and design awards, and won a range of art competitions. Her work is worldwide with collectors, products and installations. Jennifer’s career includes working as a Designer and Illustrator for Enesco, Bunnies By The Bay, and Dillon Works.

Napa, Chicago, Seattle and Skagit Valley – are places that have inspired her throughout her life and career thus far.  

Jennifer lives in Mount Vernon, WA with her husband, son and a dog named Pickle.

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